online conferences

How to Make the Most of Your Time at Online Conferences

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Attending virtual conferences can be overwhelming due to the prevalence of Zoom fatigue, but it is possible to make the most of your time and experience the same benefits as an in-person conference. By creating a conducive virtual environment and engaging in various activities, you can transform the experience into something meaningful and fulfilling.

In this blog, we will take you through some of the most effective ways that will help you make the most of it. Also, the best part about these ideas is that you won’t feel “Zoom fatigue” if you include them in your planning and strategy. 

So, if you have marked a few online conferences on your calendar for the coming days, this blog is for you. Stick with us till the end. So without further ado, let’s start the blog. 

Best Ideas to Keep in Mind While Attending Online Conferences

  1. Plug in your attendee mode for some time

It can be challenging to fully engage in a virtual conference while balancing work and home responsibilities. To maximize your conference experience, it’s important to set aside time specifically for the conference and minimize distractions. This can be achieved by blocking your calendar, putting your email in “out of office” mode, and informing others in your home that you’ll be focused on learning during the conference. By creating a dedicated space for the conference, you can minimize distractions and fully immerse yourself in the learning experience.

  1. Change Your Spaces

Getting out of your home can be a helpful way to attend an online conference. This can be achieved by going to a nearby coffee shop with a good internet connection and outdoor seating or by using a temporary conference room elsewhere. If you have a neighbor who is away or at work, consider asking to watch over their place in exchange for a change of scenery and a better environment for learning. This can help prevent distractions and allow you to focus on the conference experience.

  1. Set an Online Conference Routine

When you go to an in-person conference, you have certain rituals and habits you follow to get ready for the day. By replicating these activities, you can get yourself in the right mindset to learn and retain information. You could plan a morning workout, just like you would when traveling, take some time to review the sessions beforehand and highlight the ones you want to attend, or even get dressed up just like you would for an in-person event. Creating these routine elements can help you feel more like you’re at an actual conference, even if you’re participating remotely.

  1. Pick Your Sessions Wisely

To get the most out of your time at a virtual conference, look for sessions that promise to be interactive for attendees. These sessions are ideal for attending in real time, as you can be an active participant during the session. The advantage of online conferences is the abundance of sessions you can attend both during and after the event. This eliminates the need to feel uncomfortable leaving a session that isn’t beneficial and allows you to quickly switch to another session.

  1. Go With On-Demand Sessions

When reviewing the schedule for the virtual conference, prioritize the sessions that will be available for later viewing and choose the ones that are interactive and involve active participation. This way, you can fully engage and be a part of the session in real-time. Additionally, if you have conflicting schedules, prioritize the interactive session over an informational or “sit-and-get” session and watch the latter one later. This flexibility allows you to make the most of your time at the conference and even watch sessions from previous conferences at a later date.

  1. Sit, Listen and Learn

Attending online conferences may make it more tempting to get distracted with activities like browsing social media or shopping online, especially since no one is there to see. To make the most of the conference, it’s essential to turn off all distractions and focus on the presentation. Taking notes with a pen and paper can help you have a full-screen experience and allow you to better engage with the session. Additionally, exploring what is being presented during the session can help you stay focused and engaged.

  1. Interact with Fellow Attendees Using Interactivity tools by Online Conference Platform

To make the most of your virtual conference experience, actively participate and engage in the session by utilizing the chat or Q&A feature. This is an excellent opportunity to network with other attendees and presenters because you are not limited to the people sitting next to you at in-person events. Try to use this feature to ask questions, make comments, and engage in discussions, as it can make the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling for both you and the presenter. As an attendee, you should make the most of it and use these tools offered by online conference platforms effectively. 

  1. Take Breaks In-between Sessions

It is important to take breaks during a virtual conference, just like you would during an in-person conference. Taking breaks, such as standing up and doing a yoga stretch or going outside for a quick walk, can help refresh your mind and body after sitting in front of a screen for an extended period of time. This will help you stay focused and productive.

  1. Try to Socialize by Attending Online Social Events

It is important to take advantage of the virtual networking opportunities offered by the conference, even though they may not be as strong as in-person experiences. Attend at least one of the social events, such as games, karaoke, or virtual mixology, to make connections or catch up with colleagues from past events.

Final Word

You can make online conferences just as valuable as in-person events with the right approach. With a bit of creativity and effort, you can have a productive and enjoyable experience and come away with new knowledge and connections.

We hope the ideas that we have shared with you help you make the most of your online conference attendance experience. 

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