German Smear Gone Bad

German Smear Gone Bad: How to Avoid Disasters

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Have you ever heard of German Smear? It’s a technique that has become popular for giving your home a charming and rustic look. It involves whitewashing the brick on the exterior of your home, giving it an aged and weathered appearance. When done correctly, German Smear can be a beautiful addition to any home. However, when done wrong, it can result in a disaster that can cost a lot of money and time to fix. In this article, we’ll explore the common mistakes people make when attempting German Smear and provide you with some tips on how to avoid them.

What is German Smear?

German Smear is a technique that originated in Europe and has become popular in recent years. It involves applying a mixture of mortar and water to the exterior brick of a home. The mortar is then smeared or rubbed onto the brick, giving it an aged and rustic look. German Smear is also known as mortar wash or whitewash.

Common Mistakes People Make When Doing German Smear

While German Smear can be a beautiful addition to your home, there are several common mistakes people make when attempting it.

Choosing the Wrong Type of Mortar

One of the most important things to consider when doing German Smear is the type of mortar you use. Using the wrong type of mortar can result in a disaster. Make sure to choose a mortar that is specifically designed for use on brick and has a similar color to the brick.

Using the Wrong Tools

Using the wrong tools when doing German Smear can also result in a disaster. You’ll need a trowel or a float to apply the mortar, and a brush or sponge to smear it onto the brick. Using the wrong tools can result in an uneven or poorly applied coating.

Applying Too Much Mortar

Another common mistake people make is applying too much mortar. This can result in a thick and clumpy coating that doesn’t look natural. It’s important to apply a thin and even layer of mortar for the best results.

Not Cleaning the Brick Properly

Before applying the mortar, it’s important to clean the brick thoroughly. Failing to do so can result in a coating that doesn’t adhere properly to the brick, leading to peeling and flaking.

Rushing the Process

Finally, rushing the process can result in a disaster. German Smear takes time and patience, and rushing it can result in an uneven or poorly applied coating. Take your time and follow the steps carefully for the best results.

Tips for Avoiding German Smear Disasters

Now that you know some of the common mistakes people make when doing German Smear, here are some tips on how to avoid disasters.

Test Before You Apply

Before applying the mortar to your entire home, it’s a good idea to test it on a small area. This will give you an idea of how the mortar will look and how it will adhere to the brick.

Start Small

If you’re new to German Smear, it’s best to start with a small area. This will allow you to practice your technique and make any necessary adjustments before tackling a larger project.

Get the Right Tools

Having the right tools is crucial to achieving a successful German Smear. Make sure to invest in a good quality trowel, float, brush, and sponge. Using the right tools will make the application process much easier and more precise.

Clean the Brick Thoroughly

Before applying the mortar, make sure to clean the brick thoroughly. This will ensure that the mortar adheres properly and doesn’t flake or peel. Use a wire brush or pressure washer to remove any dirt, grime, or loose mortar.

Take Your Time

German Smear is a time-consuming process that requires patience and attention to detail. Take your time and work in small sections, making sure to apply the mortar evenly and in thin layers. Rushing the process can result in a disaster, so it’s better to take your time and get it right the first time.

Fixing German Smear Disasters

If you’ve attempted German Smear and it hasn’t turned out as you hoped, don’t worry. There are ways to fix the problem. If the mortar is too thick, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper to remove some of it. If it’s too thin, you can add another layer of mortar on top. If the coating is peeling or flaking, you’ll need to remove it completely and start over.


German Smear can be a beautiful addition to your home when done correctly. However, it’s important to take your time and avoid common mistakes to avoid disasters. Remember to choose the right type of mortar, use the right tools, apply the mortar evenly, and take your time. If you do run into any problems, don’t worry. With some patience and persistence, you can fix the problem and achieve a beautiful German Smear.


  1. Is German Smear suitable for all types of brick?
  • German Smear is suitable for most types of brick. However, it’s important to choose a mortar that is specifically designed for use on brick and has a similar color to the brick.
  1. Can I do German Smear myself, or do I need to hire a professional?
  • German Smear is a DIY project that can be done by anyone with the right tools and some patience. However, if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, you can hire a professional to do it for you.
  1. How long does German Smear last?
  • German Smear can last for several years if done correctly and maintained properly. However, it’s important to inspect it regularly and touch up any areas that need it.
  1. Can I use German Smear on interior walls?
  • Yes, German Smear can be used on interior walls as well as exterior walls.
  1. Is German Smear expensive?
  • German Smear can be an affordable way to update the look of your home. However, the cost will depend on the size of the project and the type of mortar you use.

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